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January 2022 Social Media Content Calendar Ideas

Updated: Jan 26, 2022

As a New Year kicks off, January is always the month for new beginnings – to set fresh goals and fulfill resolutions for success! Every business has this in mind, but most importantly, your customers.

This opens a great opportunity for small businesses to engage and relate with their audience on social media. As your customers focus on their goals, you want to be able to hone on what they’re aiming for, find a point of relatability, and show them that you care.

January is always the month for new beginnings – to set fresh goals and fulfill resolutions for success!

The easiest way to take this sort of initiative on social media is by engaging with customers during important (or just plain fun) holidays. Social media holidays give your business a chance to post on your channels, spread awareness, celebrate something with your audience, but also convey something fun and genuine with your customers – which could ultimately boost your social capital along the way.

No matter how you choose to engage with your audience, make sure to stay true to your brand’s voice so you don’t come off as “sales-y”.

Here are some content ideas for January 2022 that you can start planning around for your social media content!

Quick Tip: Try to include an image or video with your holiday posts whenever you can, but keep it natural – don’t force it.

Public Holidays

These are the more major holidays that you can create social posts to garner some engagement from your customers/audience:

January 1st: New Year’s Day #NewYearsDay

January 17th: Martin Luther King Jr. Day #MLKDay

January 26th: Australia Day #AustraliaDay

Religious Holidays

Social media calendar January 2022 - religious holidays

Depending on the type of audience that follows you on social, these are a few religious holidays to keep in mind.

Be mindful of your messaging when it comes to religion - sensitivity can’t be emphasized enough.

January 1st: St. Basil's Day #SaintBasilsDay

January 6th: Epiphany (Christian) #Epiphany

January 7th: Orthodox Christmas Day (Orthodox) #OrthodoxChristmas

January 14th: Orthodox New Year (Orthodox) #OrthodoxNewYear

January 17th: Tu B'Shevat (Jewish) #NewYearForTrees

Holidays Perfect for Businesses

Social media calendar January 2022 - perfect holidays for small business

Photo by on Unsplash

The list of holidays below can lead to some meaningful, fun engagements if you’re a small business. Many of these holidays are about acknowledging your employees, highlighting certain goals and activities like accomplishing your dreams, cleaning your desk, etc.

They’re a great opening for businesses to interact with their audience organically – and you can still find a way to steer the post to a specific offer or a landing page.

January 1st: Global Family Day #GlobalFamilyDay

January 1st: World Day of Peace #WorldDayOfPeace

January 2nd: National Personal Trainer Awareness Day #PersonalTrainerAwarenessDay

January 3rd: National Thank God It’s Monday Day #ThankGodItsMondayDay

January 11th: Shop for Travel Day #ShopForTravelDay

January 12th: National Pharmacist Day #NationalPharmacistDay

January 13th: Make Your Dreams Come True Day #MakeYourDreamsComeTrueDay

January 13th: National Clean Off Your Desk Day #CleanOffYourDeskDay

January 14th: Organize Your Home Day #OrganizeYourHomeDay

January 20th: Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay

January 21st: National Hugging Day #NationalHuggingDay

January 22nd: Celebration of Life Day #CelebrationOfLifeDay

January 24th: Community Manager Appreciation Day #CommunityManagerAppreciationDay

January 24th: National Compliment Day #NationalComplimentDay

January 25th: Plan for Vacation Day #PlanForVacation

January 26th: National Spouses Day #NationalSpousesDay

January 28th: National Have Fun At Work Day #FunAtWorkDay

Good Ol’ Fun Holiday Opportunities

Social media calendar January 2022 - good and fun holiday themes

These holidays lean more toward the lighthearted, fun side of social content. Feel free to be as creative as you want when writing posts for these holidays. Don’t worry too much about what your “call to action” is.

Feel free to be as creative as you want when writing posts for these holidays.

January 1st: National Bloody Mary Day #NationalBloodyMaryDay

January 1st: National Hangover Day #NationalHangOverDay

January 2nd: National Buffet Day #NationalBuffetDay

January 2nd: National Cream Puff Day #NationalCreamPuffDay

January 2nd: World Introvert Day #Introvert

January 3rd: Festival of Sleep Day #FestivalOfSleepDay

January 4th: National Spaghetti Day #NationalSpaghettiDay

January 4th: National Trivia Day #NationalTriviaDay

January 5th: National Bird Day #NationalBirdDay

January 5th: National Whipped Cream Day #WhippedCreamDay

January 6th: National Bean Day #NationalBeanDay

January 6th: National Cuddle Up Day #NationalCuddleUpDay

January 6th: National Shortbread Day #NationalShortbreadDay

January 7th: Old Rock Day #OldRockDay

January 9th: Word Nerd Day #WordNerdDay

January 11th: National Hot Toddy Day #HotToddyDay

January 11th: National Milk Day #NationalMilkDay

January 12th: National Curried Chicken Day #CurriedChickenDay

January 13th: National Sticker Day #NationalStickerDay

January 15th: National Bagel Day #NationalBagelDay

January 15th: National Hat Day #NationalHatDay

January 16th: National Nothing Day #NothingDay

January 18th: National Thesaurus Day #NationalThesaurusDay

January 20th: National Cheese Lover’s Day #CheeseLoversDay

January 23rd: National Pie Day #NationalPieDay

January 29th: National Puzzle Day #NationalPuzzleDay

January 31st: National Inspire Your Heart With Art Day #InspireYourHeartWithArtDay

Holidays Around STEM

If your business focuses around STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.) or the tech industry in general, it’s good to keep these holidays on your radar.

January 2nd: National Science Fiction Day #ScienceFictionDay

January 6th: National Technology Day #TechnologyDay

January 17th: Kid Inventors' Day #KidInventorsDay

January 28th: Data Privacy Day #DataPrivacyDay

Observances for Those in the Health Industry

Social media calendar January 2022 - for health industry

If you work within health services, creating a social post, blog series, or activation around these monthly observances is a great way to boost your digital clout.

Cervical Health Awareness Month #CervicalCancer

National Bath Safety Month #safety

National Blood Donor Month #NationalBloodDonorMonth #BloodDonation

Thyroid Awareness Month #thyroid

Holidays That Tie into Your ESG Goals

If you want to put a spotlight on your business’ positive impact in your community, or if you simply want to raise your company’s profile around ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), creating content around these holidays can help you do just that.

January 9th: National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (LEAD) #LEAD

January 10th: National Cut Your Energy Costs Day #CutYourEnergyCostsDay

January 10th: National Save The Eagles Day #SaveTheEaglesDay

January 11th: National Human Trafficking Awareness Day #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay

A Helping Hand in Scheduling Your Social Content

There’s so much to prioritize when starting a brand new year that building out a content calendar and scheduling posts for an entire month can feel overwhelming!

That’s why you need the right tools to make these tedious tasks easy-to-manage, with a platform that’s easy-to-use. That way you have more time to focus on bigger goals for your growth and success!

Make your social media resolution and start the New Year strong with Hookle, a seamless and efficient social content scheduling tool.
