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December 2022 Social Media Content Calendar

Updated: Nov 16, 2022


Photo by Hert Niks



Trying to stay ahead of the social media game can feel like a full-time job for small business owners. As an entrepreneur, you know that content is key on social media.

But between running your business and keeping up with your personal life, it can be tough to find the time to come up with strong content ideas. That's why we've put together this social media content calendar for December 2022.

Whether you're looking for festive holiday ideas or tips on how to ring in the New Year, we've got you covered

The calendar will help you plan and organize your posts to ensure you're always putting your best foot forward. Whether you're looking for festive holiday ideas or tips on how to ring in the New Year, we've got you covered.

So grab a cup of coffee and get ready to plan out your best month yet on social media.

December 1: World AIDS Day #WAD2022


Photo by Klaus Nielsen

This day unites people worldwide in the fight against HIV/AIDS. You can create a post spreading awareness about HIV/AIDS or show your support with a message of solidarity.

December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities #IDPWD


Photo by cottonbro

December 3 seeks to create more awareness about disability issues and promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. Share how your business is inclusive, or share a story about a person with a disability who has inspired you.

December 4: National Cookie Day #NationalCookieDay


Photo by Sara Santos

Celebrate this day with a post featuring your favorite cookie recipe. If you're feeling generous, you could even include a coupon for a free cookie with every purchase.

December 5: World Soil Day #WorldSoilDay


Photo by Lukas

This day is dedicated to raising awareness of the benefits of healthy soil and advocating for sustainable management of this valuable resource. Schedule posts that share tips on improving soil quality and maintaining healthy ecosystems.

December 6: Microwave Oven Day #MicrowaveOvenDay


Photo by Mike B

Yes, there's really a day for everything! This fun food holiday is the perfect opportunity to share some of your favorite microwave oven recipes. You could even do a giveaway for a new microwave oven.

December 8: Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day #PretendToBeATimeTravelerDay


Photo by Andy Beales on Unsplash

On this fun holiday, encourage your followers to let their imaginations run wild and pretend to be time travelers. You could ask them to share photos of themselves in their "time traveling" outfits or post about a place they would like to visit if they could travel through time.

December 10: Human Rights Day #HumanRightsDay


Use Human Rights Day to raise awareness about human rights issues and promote the work of organizations fighting for justice. You could also highlight individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of human rights.

You can promote the work of organizations fighting for justice

Since it's also Nobel Prize Day, you could create a post about some of the inspiring Nobel Laureates who have made a difference in the world.

December 11: International Mountain Day #InternationalMountainDay


Photo by Archie Binamira

This day celebrates the importance of mountains and highlights the challenges in developing mountains. Dedicate your content to promoting sustainable mountain tourism and share your favorite mountain photos.

December 14: International Monkey Day #InternationalMonkeyDay


Photo by Brian Mann on Unsplash

This fun holiday is the perfect opportunity to share cute monkey photos or videos. If you have monkey-themed products, this would be a great day to promote them.

December 16: National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day #ChocolateCoveredAnythingDay


What's not to love about this delicious food holiday? Share your favorite chocolate-covered treat or post a photo of yourself enjoying one. You could even do a giveaway for a box of chocolates.

December 21: Crossword Puzzle Day #CrosswordPuzzleDay


This fun holiday is the perfect opportunity to engage your followers with a crossword puzzle. Create a puzzle with clues that relate to your brand or industry.

For an added challenge, offer prizes for the first few people to solve the puzzle.

December 24: Christmas Eve #ChristmasEve


Photo by Anna Tarazevich

Get into the holiday spirit with some festive content. Share photos of your decorated home or office, post about your favorite Christmas traditions or share a holiday recipe.

December 25: Christmas Day #ChristmasDay


Photo by Brett Sayles

Wish your followers a Merry Christmas with a festive post. You could include a photo of your team in holiday gear, share a holiday message, or post a photo of your Christmas tree.

December 31: New Year's Eve #NewYearsEve


Photo by Pixabay

Get your followers excited for the New Year with a fun post.

Whatever you do, make sure to ring in the New Year with a bang!

You could create a collage of your best moments from the past year or even do a countdown to midnight. Whatever you do, make sure to ring in the New Year with a bang!

Schedule Your December 2022 Social Media Content in Advance

Now that you have ideas for what to post on social media in December 2022, it's time to start scheduling your content.

Social media scheduling will save you time and ensure that your content is consistent and relevant. With a social media content calendar, you can plan and publish your content in advance, so you have time to focus on other aspects of your business.

Entrepreneurs like you can use social media scheduling tools like Hookle to plan and publish your content. These tools will help you manage all your social media content from a single app. Try them and make your social media content planning a breeze.

Download and get started with your now!

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