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April 2022 Social Media Content Calendar for Small Businesses

April 2022 Social Media Content Calendar for Small Businesses



As a small business owner, it's crucial to leverage the power of social media to market your products and services, and to build relationships with clients.

Not only does social media expand your reach to current clients, prospective buyers, and anyone else who may be interested in what you’re advertising, but social media marketing can be an impactful and productive way to build your brand.

One of the most popular ways to do this is by building a following on multiple platforms, and managing said platforms with a social media content calendar for your small business.

As a small business owner, it's crucial to leverage the power of social media to market your products and services

Read on to learn why you shouldn’t miss out on using a social media content calendar as a small business owner in April 2022!

1. What is a Social Media Content Calendar?

A social media content calendar is a visual representation of all posts, images, captions, and other relevant content that are designed with the intention of being posted to any number of social media platforms.

Whether you want to offer holiday deals or keep track of what you post and when, a social media content calendar is a great opportunity to take the pressure off of posting and stick to a strategy that will allow you to better leverage your business offers.

The ideas of a social media content calendar may seem foreign to those who are not in the social media advertising space, so we’ll give you an example.

Consider Valentine's Day, occurring on February 14th. This national holiday is an opportunity to celebrate love, and gives you a reason to post – and you can tie in a special offer, just like the pros do! If you're curious about using a content calendar for your small business, check out the information below.

2. Why Should Small Business Owners Use Content Calendars?

Content calendars can be productive for any kind of business, but small business owners are some of the few that can truly leverage the power of this tool to raise their sales and improve their relationships with customers.

Not only does a content calendar help you keep track of what's being posted and where, but it gives you the opportunity to celebrate various holidays or observance days and tie them back to what your small business offers.

3. How Do I Create A Content Calendar?

To create an April social media content calendar for 2022, start by finding a planning platform that supports The number of social media accounts you use regularly.

As you probably know, many entrepreneurs are extremely busy people and struggle to keep track of the million and one things they need to do each day.

Using a scheduling tools, such as Hookle, can help alleviate some of that pressure by keeping track of your schedule postings. Many of these tools even feature automatic posting Hookle including!

Using a scheduling tools, such as Hookle, can help alleviate some of that pressure by keeping track of your schedule postings.

For example, if you are consistently posting to Instagram and Facebook, you can use the app Later to visually layout, schedule, and auto-post to both platforms. Hookle is another option for social media scheduling, which has even more compatible platforms.

When you have your platform in place, begin to drum up content based around your small business goals for the month at hand and see if you can tie any of your promotions to national holidays. You can find information on observance days with resources like,, and

4. What Can I Highlight on My Content Calendar?

The Full April 2022 Social Media Content Calendar - What to Highlight on Content Calendar

Photo by WTFast on Unsplash

You can keep track of projects, product releases, media interviews, and other relevant information in a content calendar. For example, April is home to many religious holidays like Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. Small businesses that sell religious literature or spiritual Goods might benefit from including these holidays in their social media content.

Keep track of national holidays, observance days and other relevant events and happenings in your area and industry. These can be especially helpful when you're trying to create timely content that is relatable to your readers.

5. The Full April 2022 Social Media Content Calendar

April 1: April Fool's Day #AprilFoolsDay

Play a prank on your partner, your kids, or your boss (but be careful, this one can backfire)! This is about having fun, so keep it lighthearted.

April 2: International Children's Book Day #IntlChildrensBookDay

Read a classic children’s book or a modern twist on an oldie at bedtime on April 2! We celebrate not only authors, but the joy of reading and of children.

April 2022 Social Media Content Calendar for Small Businesses - #HugANewPersonDay

Photo by Shawn Tung on Unsplash

If you haven’t hugged your local newscaster lately, go give them a squeeze (with consent of course)!

April 11: National Cheese Fondue Day #NationalCheeseFondueDay

If your small business is based around food, this might be a great opportunity to leverage some sales with a lighthearted pitch.

April 13: International Day of Pink #IntlDayOfPink

This colorful holiday is observed on the second Wednesday in April! Wear pink, eat pink food, or paint your walls bright pink. Whatever you choose, it’s bound to make you feel better.

April 15: Good Friday #GoodFriday

Good Friday is observed two days before Easter, so if your business focuses on religious texts or family-oriented goods and services, this is your chance to make your message hit home.

April 17: Easter Sunday #Easter #Easter2022

This is the day to wish your audience a happy Easter. Schedule the post already beforehand as it’s Sunday!

April 18: Adult Autism Awareness Day #AdultAutismAwarenessDay

Autism doesn’t just affect kids. Most people don’t recognize the impacts of autism on adults, so take this opportunity to begin thinking about how you can better support and include autistic folks!

April 20: Volunteer Recognition Day #VolunteerRecognitionDay

If your services rely on volunteers, recognize them today. Otherwise, support other causes by highlighting the impacts of volunteer work on your community

April 21: Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day #BulldogsAreBeautifulDay

April 2022 Social Media Content Calendar for Small Businesses - Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day #BulldogsAreBeautifulDay

For something a bit sillier, check out the hashtag above to celebrate the beautiful bulldogs of the world. You can even post your own pooch if you so desire!

April 25: National Mani-Pedi Day #NationalManiPediDay

Use this opportunity to advertise beauty products, self-care services or to schedule appointments with clients! Alternatively, you can treat yourself…just saying.

April 27: Holocaust Remembrance Day #HolocaustRemembranceDay

Connect with your customer base on a universal tragedy, and be careful to use this as an opportunity to connect, not to sell.

April 30: Adopt A Shelter Pet Day, International Jazz Day, & Independent Bookstore Day #AdoptAShelterPetDay #InternationalJazzDay #IndependentBookstoreDay

There are plenty of opportunities to celebrate at the end of April, so pick one or a few that resonate and kick off spring with a party-positive attitude!

Find plenty more (oddly specific) holidays online with a quick search for “April 2022 content calendar ideas.”

6. Wrapping up

Whatever your small business sells or provides, creating a social media content calendar can be a crucial step in building your online customer base, virtual community and help to raise your sales and profit, as well as the fun in the workday.


Contact us with any questions you may have about creating a content calendar for your social media platforms, and if you decide to use Hookle, let us know what you think. Happy celebrating!

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