Introducing Your New Social Media Dashboard
Sat Jul 04 2020 12:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

The new, exciting Hookle Dashboard is here! 💙
For the last few months, based on your feedback, we have been designing a brand new social media dashboard that brings you the following benefits, in seconds:
Follow your success
Monitor how your overall social media performance has developed.
Discover what matters most
See which of your posts have gained the best response from your followers, and how much your different posts have been seen, liked, and commented on.
Scheduled posts
See what you have scheduled to be published next and easily plan your future posts.
Drafts created on-the-go
See and access drafts of what you have created on-the-go to finalize and post later.
And much more! 🤗 All this is available for all your social media channels, all in one place - so update your Hookle app now📳
Download or update here to iPhone or Android.
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